SAT Exam Test Prep

We're no strangers to the test prep business. In fact, we've helped thousands of Chartered Financial Analyst candidates pass the brutal CFA exam. Now, we're using the same revolutionary TestBank Software to help you crack the SAT, PSAT, and ACT.

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A Smaller Approach

We take a more personalized and interactive approach to test preparation. That means that you'll have access to our experts and technical staff.


Why the SAT is important

Sure, colleges such as Bowdoin and Holy Cross have dropped their SAT requirement. But does this mean that the SAT doesn't matter?

Absolutely not. The National Association of College Counselors ranked the SAT only second in importance to grades in high school classes in college admissions. This means that this three and a half hour test is more important than your extracurriculars, recommendations, and college essays!

What the SAT really tests

The SAT math section always has a problem that requires you to factor the difference of two squares. One out of every five to six questions in the SAT Identifying Sentence Errors section will be "No error." And if you don't know what "advocate" or "ambivalent" means, you'll struggle to answer most of the Critical Reading questions.

Sound predictable? That's because it is.

All the SAT really tests is how good you are at taking the SAT. It isn't a measure of "intelligence" or "college success." Rather, good scores are a testament to how much time you devote to studying for the SAT.